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Detail Rabbet Plane Veritas Tools

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Detail Rabbet Plane Veritas Tools

The design of the Veritas Detail Rabbet Plane is loosely based on both the Preston and Clifton 400 shoulder planes. As an addition to our shoulder plane line, the detail rabbet plane is primarily useful for small trimming tasks where a narrow chisel would often be used. It is handy for getting into tight spaces, as well as for shooting the shoulders of tenons, cleaning up the bottom of dados or grooves, and chamfering (breaking) sharp corners or edges. The plane has a fixed mouth and features a relieved throat to alleviate chip packing. The 3" long ductile cast iron body is accurately machined and ground so that the sole and sides are flat and square, allowing the plane to be used on its side for shooting end grain. The 15° bed angle combined with the 30° blade bevel results in a cutting angle of 45°. The full-width O1 tool steel blade is held in place with a tongue, which functions as both a handle and a lever cap.

The plane is available in five widths (6mm, 1/4", 5/16"/8mm, 3/8", and 10mm).


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